
Prosthetic Products

We develop and innovate artificial limbs that are intended to restore and improve function. We produce both upper and lower limb prostheses and guide you through adjusting to your new device.

Orthotic Products

We provide and calibrate artificial devices to support, align, prevent, or correct the functions of the body. We provide custom leg, knee, and spinal braces to ensure comfort and relief.

We carefully assess your specific gait disability and develop a prosthetic or orthotic prescription care plan to bring you to your ultimate ambulation potential! We provide various services to help you achieve all of your goals and more!

Prosthetic Services

Care Crafters' professional staff will design and construct a prosthetic device to best fit your physical requirements.

Orthotic Services

Care Crafters' professional staff will evaluate your medical deficiencies to determine which orthotic brace will best accommodate your needs.

Any Questions? Contact Us!

Please call our office to make an appointment!